Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Church to Connect Essay

â€Å"Our future is not to be found in our preservation but in our investment† (19). â€Å"The best way to predict the future is to create it† (20). â€Å"Fewer people are attending church because of the diminishing influence of Christ on the church itself. † â€Å"We equated being a good citizen with being a good Christian. We lived without persecution and soon found ourselves without conviction. We didn’t lose America; we gave her away! In our panic and powerlessness we turned to political means to seek to regain what we once had through spiritual awakening . Yet as a moral majority we could not accomplish what God could through Gideon’s few† (28). â€Å"Once we were called Christians by an unbelieving world and now we call ourselves Christians and the world calls us hypocrites. Is it possible that it wasn’t the nation that was becoming dangerously secular but the church? We were neither relevant nor transcendent. We have become, in the worst of ways, religious. We are the founders of the secular nation† (29). â€Å"The church became a refuge from the world rather than a force in the world. Predictability and stability became dominant themes†¦. The gospel shifted from a church on a mission to a church that supported missions† (30). â€Å"How could we ever think that the Christian faith would be safe when its central metaphor is an instrument of death? It is not a coincidence that baptism is a water grave depicting death and resurrection. It is no less significant that the ongoing ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is a reminder of sacrifice. How did we ever develop a safe theology from such a dangerous faith? †(33) â€Å"Institutions preserve culture while movements create culture† (34). â€Å"For years the bulk of American Christians who were committed to missions could only participate through giving and praying. Today, the call to crosscultural ministry doesn’t even require going; it just requires staying with a purpose† (45). â€Å"Where once the pagan lived in the country and the danger of the city was to be Christianized; now Christians tend to live away from the cities and view the urban dweller as the true pagan† (46). â€Å"Gideon was focused on mass; God was focused on momentum† (69). â€Å"It’s hard to believe that a movement born of visionaries and dreamers would become dominantly known for its traditions and rituals† (138). â€Å"Just because a person cannot read doesn’t mean she lacks the capacity to learn. One’s present condition is not an indication of potential, but of development† (211). III. SALIENT POINTS/ANALYSIS 1. The Need for the Church to Connect with this Generation The author speaks about how in the past 40 years communities have changed dramatically yet many local churches have stayed the same. This explains the irrelevancy and bankruptcy of the church in regards to being salt and light and functioning as agents of change for culture. Even the way the gospel is communicated has to be changed if we are going to reach this present generation. One of the dramatic changes in our environment is the shift from words to images. To do church in a way that is entirely textdriven is the kiss of death. People don’t read, they simply observe. Beyond the emergence of a postliterate society, we have a culture raised on entertainment (17). As McManus states, â€Å"While not many churches perform their services in Latin today, our language, style, music, and methods are pretty much Latin to the unchurched population† (81).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership Style Essay

The main focus of any organization is viability or productivity (Mastrangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004). This is further heightened by the increasing changes in product market activities (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 2001). The fact that consumers now have a better and affordable access to market information has brought about an increase in their market power and the resultant effect is a more challenging and competitive market especially in the private sector. The public sector on the other hand is under increasing pressure for a more effective utilization of public funds. Consequently, the quest for a competitive advantage and increasingly better performance is becoming a major factor for consideration in virtually all organizations. In this light, the CIPD (2001) emphasized on the role of leadership as a major factor essential for an enhanced organizational performance. Taormina (2008) supported this in stating that in leadership is vested the ability to decide how organizations will be run and it plays a major role in influencing the organization to success. The CIPD (2001) further added that leadership (or people management) is the main element harnessing other success factors in an organization for effectiveness. A number of authors have also supported the foregoing discussions on the leader-success relationship (e. g Harris and Kuhnert 2008; Mastrangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004). Furthermore, research works have identified certain pointers to high performance leadership. A major one among these is leadership behavior or leadership style (Mastrangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004; Taormina, 2008). Leadership Style and Organizational Success: Drawing a Correlation Leadership style is one of the major traits that may be used to draw a line of difference between high performance and low performance organizations (Adeyemi-Bello, 2001). Since the management in an organization has a great impact on how it will be run, the style of leadership within the management cycle has a way of dictating the direction that such an organization will go. Taormina (2008) buttressed this point in his work. He established the fact that leadership behavior go along way in determining the culture or the prevailing atmosphere in an organization and this will in turn affect employees’ attitude towards performance and ultimate success of such an organization. A number of dichotomies on leadership behavior have been presented. However, leadership style can be broadly categorized into two – ‘People-Centered’ leadership and ‘Task-Centered’ leadership (Adeyemi-Bello, 2001 pg 150; Taormina, 2008 pg. 87). ‘People-Centered’ leadership Versus ‘Task-Centered’ leadership Various progressive attempts have been made at investigating leadership from the behavioral angle. However, a remarkable point was reached in the 1950s with the introduction of ‘Ohio State model’ which talked about ‘task-oriented’ and ‘people-oriented’ leadership (Taormina, 2008 pg. 87). These two categories seem to have been a perfect one that describes leadership behaviors because it is still being referred as at present. According to Adeyemi-Bello (2001), task-oriented style emphasizes on production and organizational goals. This leadership style is concerned about how the organizational goals may be implemented. People-oriented leaders on the other hand show great concern for the followers (Adeyemi-Bello, 2001). They create a warm environment within the organization and foster a strong positive relationship among members of the organization. While this style offers a system that respects the personality, feelings and opinions of the employees and gives them a feeling of empowerment (Taormina, 2008), task oriented approach is thirsty for achievements sometimes at all cost (Adeyemi-Bello, 2001). Subsequent studies after the initial presentation of these leadership models have made attempts at differentiating between them. The intention was to determine which one should be preferred above the other. However, Adeyemi-Bello (2001) explained that current researches have shown that preferences for any of the two styles depend on the current situation within the organization. There are cases where one style will fail to impact a good result, not because it is less effective but because the situation at hand does not create an environment conducive for its functionality (Mastrangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004). Furthermore, Jacques, Garger and Thomas (2008) remarked that the recent behavioral theory of leadership took the studies a step further by suggesting that the two behavioral approaches will be more effective when adequately blended under any given situation. Their paper revealed that graduates of project management performs better in leadership than those from another management related courses because of their ability to blend the two leadership styles; a training that the other group did not receive. Adeyemi-Bello (2001) had earlier presented this fact in her work. The result of her survey on 29 Baptist church leaders shows a better result when the two styles were combined in church leadership than when each one was singly adopted. She concluded for the extension of these results into leadership in other realms of human activities. The implications of these results are quite obvious. A paradigm shift in the content and delivery of leadership training programs has become very necessary. The current training inculcating strategic planning and tasks-focused practices should pave way for a more balanced approach in management training. People managers should also learn to engage in a better interpersonal relationship with those under them, create a warmer environment conducive for a healthy work relationship, and engage in strategies that will give employees a feeling of empowerment (Adeyemi-Bello, 2001; Monstarangelo, Eddy and Lorenzet, 2004; Taormina, 2008). The case of Kleine Plastics in the UK presented by Ludlow (1987) serves as a good example in driving home the points that has been raised so far (in Tyson and Kakabadse eds. ). The work contrasted between the leadership attributes of Joseph Kleine, the founder of Kleine Plastics and that of David, his son at a particular time during the early stages of the company’s development. It reviews Joseph Kleine’s attitude as ‘a charismatic leader with whom his managers and work force wish to identify’ (pg. 23). He engages a style that trusted and respected his employees and empathizes with their situations. To him, these people were his main assets. This, coupled with his result oriented tendencies, propelled the work force towards a high performance level. However, David Kleine could not maintain this approach when he had to stand in during his father’s absence. He wanted result at all cost without due regards for his team members. Objections to his propositions by his managers were downplayed no matter how genuine they may be. Though work was still progressing, enthusiasm and productivity level dwindled. The return of Joseph was welcomed with protests from every quarter. David style was found to be less effective because of its lack of ‘human face’. Conclusion Leadership style is an issue that will still continue to be a subject of interest among research workers. The world is ever changing and people are becoming increasingly dynamic in attitude and thinking. This calls for a leadership approach that will keep up with the pace of the changes. A dynamic leader is one that is better equipped to respond to changes and easily enlist the cooperation of people in managing them effectively towards a greater level of production performance.

Evaluate the idea that class conflict is on the decline in contemporary France, paying particular attention to the strikes of winter 1995

Evaluate the idea that class conflict is on the decline in contemporary France, paying particular attention to the strikes of winter 1995. Abstract: Evaluate the idea that class conflict is on the decline in contemporary France, paying particular attention to the strikes of winter 1995. A critical evaluation into the decline of class conflict in contemporary France requires an in-depth analysis into the various political and economic subject areas which surround the issue of class struggle. The main objective of this paper is to discuss declination of class conflict in France and to discuss the significance of the 1995 winter strikes. A conclusion is to be reached after a thorough but concise assessment of this movement and its effects on French class struggles. In order to evaluate this issue there must be a thorough understanding of French political culture in the years post World War II, together with a comprehensive understanding of the specific events and movements that led to an alleged decline. The implication of European integration and French economy must also be understood, as well as the relation of this movement to the values of the left in France compared to that of the right. To initiate this evaluation, one of the factors that must be taken into consideration is France's volatile political culture. One could describe French culture as volatile, because of the numerous changes the French political system has undertaken over the last century. Some may suggest that they are still suffering from teething problems of a relatively new republic and the episodes of 1995 and the elections of 2002 still prove that the French are a nation who are susceptible to political issues they feel may blur their traditional way of living. One of the arguments brought forward is that the strikes of 1995 were ‘fundamentally sectional stemming from national fragmentation and French nationalism than any vision of a different future.'1. This is to be discussed in this paper, along with the factors of, economic change in France due to the conditions of the Maastricht treaty; trade unionism and socialism vs. liberalism in relation to the strikes. Firstly, when mentioned the consensual perception of class conflict tends to be based on the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie. An old argument that has filtered through to contemporary politics via social and hierarchical structures that were originally discussed by Karl Marx. The question in hand asks one to look at a possible decline of class conflict in France. However some would argue that it still remains in France, just not as explicitly as before. Nonetheless the aim here is exploit literature and modern thought to suggest that it has. A classic definition of class conflict can be found in the ‘Communist manifesto' Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.2 For Marx and Engels, class conflict or class warfare as it is described by Marxists, surrounded the notion of two main classes. This can be seen in the fragment ‘oppressor and oppressed' and the coupling of the descriptive terms, the bourgeoisie were the ruling class and the proletariat were seen as the submissive class with little or no control over production. In the case of the France in 1995, these two classes can be identified as Jacques Chirac and his government taking on the role as the bourgeoisie and the numerous activist workers taking on the role as the proletariat. Here it can be discussed that the view of a socio-political imbalance between those with excessive wealth and those with little wealth is a common thought amongst Marxist's, but arguably a concept that is declining in contemporary French politics. However, looking back on French politics in the last 50 years, is there sufficient evidence to support this notion? The role of political culture is imperative in this discussion and often gives reason to the actions of the masses under a system of rule by the elites. The political culture of France has an almost unforgiving tradition of being conflictual alongside a highly activist nature, using previous strikes in 1935 and 1968 as examples. The division in political ideologies into the left and right, arguably goes back to the French Revolution and continues to remain an important characteristic in the contemporary arena. Consensus often has been reached by uniting behind a strong, charismatic leader, de Gaulle is the prime example here, only to be lost when the leader dies or goes into disfavour. Cycles of consensus followed by alienation seem to be typical of the French political culture.3 While there is admiration for the French nation, language and culture, there are also continuing disagreements caused by these traditions. Division over the meaning of these universal symbols leads to political, ideological and partisan fragmentation. The French seem to combine a distrust of politicians and the political system with a devotion to political s truggle.4 It becomes apparent that the issue of class struggle was once again thrown into the centre of the French political agenda, because of the essential ‘reform' that France needed in order to progress as an intergratable nation state, in relation to the EU. The ‘sà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½cu' otherwise known as the social security plan devised by then French Premier Alain Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ , was received by the public sector workers, with resentment and anger, with the consensual feeling amongst academics and French citizens that EU criteria for satisfactory budget deficit, was the driving force behind the 1995 strikes. This plan coupled with the tradition and characteristics of French political culture have been blamed for the uprising of 1995 and the discontent of the French nationals that was witnessed all over the globe. However just how ‘essential' was this reform by freshly elected Premier Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½? The proposed reforms, were all but too far for the French working class, from the proposals of an increase in work before pension entitlement to the taxation programs suggested, the French working class felt they were being victimised by a bourgeois government, echoing the previous period of revolt in 1968. By introducing such an austere program it put the new right wing government in a bad situation, which would ultimately, lead the way for devastating repercussions. Nonetheless, this set of measures was seen as crucial for reassuring the foreign exchange markets that France would be able to stick to the Maastricht timetable. However, these plans were obviously not essential enough for the 5 million citizens that protested against it. Of course, if an individual or a section of society feels that government plans are not in their best interests and will effectively jeopardise their current position, why shouldn't they protest? However it is this type of attitude that have led some to describe the French nationals as being sectionalist and backward looking. By using this sectionalist argument in favour of declination, Tony Adreani comments that we are witnessing the disappearance of major social conflicts, the decline of revolutionary ideologies, the replacement of class struggles with single issue and sectoral movements and a general pacification of society'6. However this comment was made two years before the 1995 uprising which in turn, proves Adreani theory as unfounded in this case. Expanding on this further, it could be suggested that France needed such harsh reform in order to move forward with European integration. The Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ plan threatened to sacrifice short term discontent for long term prosperity, unfortunately using proposed tactics that were unfavourable to those from the lower classes. Thus, igniting the issues of class struggle once again. By introducing such a plan a perception was drawn that the elites are too far removed from the lives of the ordinary French citizen. At this point of the discussion it can be suggested that one may find difficulty in arguing that class decline is present, but class consciousness in fact, is increasing as France becomes more fragmented. On the other hand, it could be suggested that class decline was present because of the handling of the situation by the lower class. With one of the original definitions of the proletariat being unable to control the means of production and in order to survive they must sell their labour to capitalists. It becomes apparent from these strikes that the workers who protested, have realised their rights to be treated equally and their activism was a direct attack on the government and its ideals. Rather than the working class, settling for reform, they protested to protect their privileges. To strengthen this argument, the participation in each mobilisation and the support that it received from intellectuals increased the feeling of a unified state. These factors give foundation for the argument, in the sense that the lower classes would not let the ruling class exploit their powers over them anymore. Although the strike did not involve the private sector, there was enough disruption to immobilise the French economy and force the governments to negotiate with the workers, through the trade unions. Which leads to the next point of evaluation, the role of the trade unions. The unions play a role of incredible complexity in the movement of 1995. The values of the Left in France, embrace trade unionism and working classes and in a majority of democratic states, the role of mediator between governments and workers should theoretically provide a democratic and logical way of fusing the ideologies and interests between organised workers and the employing classes and attempt to blur the struggles between them. Trade unionism participation in France is a reflection of the political culture, volatile and susceptible to change. In fact coexistence of more than one union within the same occupation is a fundamental feature of French trade unionism. Which may explain the low level of trade union membership, due to the overwhelming amount of choice. However, although the Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ plan involved the reorganisation of a large part of the public sector, the unions were not consulted. The undermining behaviour of Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ towards the unions, only fuelled the tension between the governments and the unions, which proved to be a catalyst for the resurrection of class struggle. This move by Juppe, saw the unions questioning their role as partners to the government. The influences of the masses are epitomised by the 1995 French strikes. Illustrated by the way the government tried in vain to stop these strikes, the CGT and the FO would not back down until they were absolutely sure of withdrawal of the welfare reform plan. However, not all unions were united on the movement, as Chris Harman argues, ‘ union bureaucracies always try to end mass strike movements when they go beyond a certain point†¦ Political issues are raised and that requires the sort of political response that the trade union bureaucracy is incapable of making'7 From this, it can be argued that the barriers of political negotiation can be described as a restrictive mechanism for the working class against the elites. In direct relation to class, trade unions can be described as the basic organisation of the lower class which are â€Å"not only a natural, but also an essential phenomenon under capitalism and†¦ an extremely important means for organising the working class in its daily struggle against capital and for the abolition of wage-labour†. But once established, the trade unions cannot confine their sphere of activity to economic demands, but inevitably tend to move into the political plane8. This has been proved by the negotiations which took place after the government backed down. However the governments tend to have the upper hand when political negotiation is involved. Here, what is involved is not the occasional struggles of individual groups of workers against their employers, but the struggle of the proletariat as a whole against the bourgeoisie as a class, and its state. In conclusion, the winter strikes of 1995 had a profound effect on the consciousness of the working class in France. The social upheaval that lasted for five weeks involving hundreds of thousands of workers was undoubtedly the highest expression of the class struggle in France since the revolutionary crisis of 1968. The ruling class only narrowly avoided an extension of the strike to the private sector, in which case the movement could have rapidly assumed a pre-revolutionary character. Indeed, it was the growing threat of such a development, in spite of the treacherous role of the trade union leaders, which eventually forced the Juppà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ government into an embarrassing retreat.9 The radicalisation of the working class as a whole was an awakening of a formerly immobile section of society and the shift of middle class and rural opinion to the left all indicate that French society is hurtling towards a new confrontation between the classes. Which finally leads to a conclusive disagreement that class conflict is on the decline. The factors assessed above hold far too much substance to be dismissed and for all classes to come together as a united front. The elites and the working class, will remain apart until there is a common political and ideological consensus, amongst all parties involved.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Rights associated with land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Rights associated with land - Essay Example Fishing rights in England and Scotland are private as opposed to public rights in USA, while water rights follow a riparian system in the UK and USA, except the western states where an appropriation system is used. Mineral Rights are provided to property owners who may have the right to allocate subsurface rights to other parties, but in England and Scotland the rights to precious and energy minerals rests with the Crown, while rights of ownership to other minerals may also rest with community bodies. Mineral Rights: In Scotland, land ownership is based on a feudal system whereby the owner or feuar was subjected to title conditions with reservations of mineral rights. Under the feudal system, previous owners of property known as feudal superiors, retained rights over the land even after it was sold, together with the right to enforce title conditions. ( This system was recently abolished under the Abolition of Feudal Tenure (Scotland) Act 2000, however despite the abolition of the system, a reservation of mineral rights in the feudal title still remains valid. As a result, it may restrict the mineral rights of owners of property. The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 provides communities and crofts with the pre-emptive rights to acquire mineral rights, with the exception of oil, gas, coal, gold or silver.( The ownership of the rights to precious and energy minerals is vested in the Government. Throughout the U.K, mineral rights to gold and silver are owned by the Crown and the mines of these metals are known as mines royal.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Washington monument ( Washington DC ) Research Paper

Washington monument ( Washington DC ) - Research Paper Example The analysis of the monument’s terms of constructions reveals that the developers of this project had many challenges to face: still, within low-cost material and equipment they’ve managed to create a monument which is still unique worldwide. The use of monuments for highlighting the importance of an event or for showing respect and honor to an individual is a common phenomenon in societies worldwide. In this paper a monument which is closely related to the history of US is presented: the Washington Monument, in the capital of US. It was 1848 that the construction works for the development of this monument started; however, the monument was completed quite later, in 1884 (Craven, par.1). The monument reflects the commitment and the loyalty to the country, principles that have been highly promoted by George Washington, the ‘first President of US’ (Nobleman, 5). In fact, the Washington Monument has been constructed as ‘an honor to G. Washington’ (Nobleman, 5). For this reason, Washington has been chosen as the most appropriate place for this monument: for the capital of US the surname of G. Washington has been used. In this city also, a monument should be constructed in his memory (Nobleman, 5); no other area would be appropriate for such monument. In terms of the monument’s materials, emphasis has been given on ‘marble, granite and sandstone’ (Washington DC, par.1). This choice has been rather based on these materials’ ability to keep their consistence even under extremely adverse climate conditions. Having such quality, these materials would be appropriate to highlight Washington’s ‘strength as a leader’ (Nelson, 11). Also, such materials could secure the resistance of the monument in time. Materials which are critical in modern construction projects, such as metals and aluminum, were still produced at quite low volume in US (Cody 7) and their cost was quite high, a fact that has discouraged

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Healthcare Utilization and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthcare Utilization and Finance - Essay Example Medicare Part B Essentially, this part covers healthcare services that are not provided for in part A of the Medicare. In Mrs. Zwick’s case, the cost of the different diagnostic tests that she underwent during her hospital stay and time of rehabilitation would be paid for in this part. Medicare Part D This last option of insurance cover deals with payment of the cost of drugs that are prescribed during a hospital stay. The antibiotics that were prescribed during the initial hospital stay will be catered for here. Moreover, the medication that prescribed upon her discharge will be also paid and by extension the walker that she required to walk around. Medicare policies and Reimbursement of Additional Care The policy by Medicare not to pay additional costs emanating from hospital acquired infections means that these cases have to be HAC (hospital-acquired complications) in terms of high cost. This in turn means that a patient with such a problem would have to be assigned to paym ent of higher premiums to cover the whole cost. It is however predicated upon the premise that the complication was due to secondary diagnosis and could have been prevented through utilization of evidence based guidelines. These additional policies of Medicare on hospital acquired infections means that the hospital will not get reimbursement for them (McNair, Luft, & Bindman, 2009). For instance, the antibiotics that were prescribed to her and these drugs were for urinary tract infection (UTI). With UTI being one of the complications that are not catered for by Medicare, then Mrs. Zwick and her daughter would have to pay from their pockets. Ethical Implications for Incurring Costs Related To Her Hospital-Acquired Condition The ethical implication for costs that emanate from hospital acquired infections to the concerned patients is that they have to pay for the additional cost. This is regardless of whether the infection was due to negligence on the part of the hospital or the infect ion just arose spontaneously. In order for clients to be shielded from this, they are forced to pay more so that in the advent that the complications that occur due to a person being hospitalized may be reimbursed by Medicare. Such a proactive move is quite unfair to the payer and the extra charge is quite punitive bearing in mind that these infections are completely out of a payer’s control when they happen. Another ethical implication is that it has to be proved beyond doubt that the hospital acquired infections were not due to negligence on the part of a hospital. This may arduous and quite challenging and it takes time (Zhan, Friedman, Mosso & Pronovost, 2006). Scenario 2 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Since COBRA insurance was designed to cover for people who have lost their job due to legitimate reasons, the cover is usually paid by the former employer but it is not subsidized. It follows then that the payments for health coverage premiums are re mitted by the former employer in full and an additional administrative cost of two percent. However, coverage is considered under group coverage which therefore means that the cost of the premiums is still low although they are slightly higher than when the employee was working. Many of the individuals that invoke the COBRA coverage usually have a big time difference between their last day at work and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Final - Essay Example Following the partition of the Palestine in 1947 and the US government recognition six months later of the State of Israel, there was need for the US military to intervene and protect the young nation. The war in Egypt after the death of Gamal Abdel Nasser who was succeeded by Anwar Sadat who attacked Israeli necessitated the US involvement after the Soviet had threatened to intervene by use of military force against the Israelis. It was at this time when Henry Kissinger used a diplomatic engagement and managed to make peace between the warring countries. To this far, the American Military involvement was justified to be in the Middle East. This is because had it not been for the US military, there would have been no peace between the Israeli and the Egyptians; many people would have lost their lives. The US managed not to be involved militarily in the Middle East conflicts after the WWII, due to continued instability in the Middle East politics between Muslims and Christians, there was need for the American troops to be dispatched there. They managed to contain the situation between the warring factions without any casualties (Faucet, 2013). According to John C. Goodman, in 2009 only, the US government devoted a lot of resources to defend the oil in the Persian Gulf. The reason why the US troops are maintained in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Oman is to ensure a free flow of oil from the Middle East. The final implication of this reason is cheap oil from the Middle East which comes with unmentioned expenses and costs which policy makers should give a lot of thought before supporting any foreign policy. He argues that if the federal budget for Persian Gulf defense were to be included in the gas price, the US consumer would be paying $5 per gallon (Faucet, 2013). It is unnecessary to have a continued presence of the US troops in Persian Gulf to ensure

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Implementation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Implementation Plan - Essay Example d guidelines of the proposal are pertinent to information security and privacy that are currently put forward by bodies of the state, federal regulators, and the state. New technologies are coming up in the market daily. Therefore, there is need to safeguard the evolving technologies. In the case where MEMATECH Solutions limited has this need, I have proposed to develop and install a new security plan for the company. The idea behind the plan is to come up with a network that connects all the machines in the organization in protecting the plan from being publicized during the stage of development and research. The paper therefore, discusses the proposal of MEMATECH Solutions limited security plan proposal for the connections that dwells on the authentication mechanisms, policies of password, and the plan’s proposed cost (Pipkin, 2000). I have proposed a security plan for MEMATECH Solutions limited for the connection that will safeguard their new products when researching and developing stages are carried out. The paper proposes a comprehensive plan that deals with password policy, network policy, authentication of data, and the project’s cost. To safeguard the project it is imperative that all information and data are kept on different networks and servers that are not within the access of the general corporation. This can be achieved by developing new networks through the appliances of Cisco Terascale router or Cisco ASA security, VMware, VLANS, and Windows 2008 with the help of IPV6 private addressing. Employing the appliances of ASA security and Terascale, I will be able to monitor and control the entire network and access traffic on the corporate network subset through the firewall features. In conjunction with MAC address, I will implement through filtering to offer more security. The IPV6 IP mechanism will be employed to help it from attempts of network intrusion and brute force. I will use a private address to ensure that all the IP address are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Once the business has grown enough to be making a substantial profit, entrepreneurs can sell their idea for a profit and move onto the next project. 2. Jobs that are created in the healthcare industry are useful no matter where they came from. Allied industries have their own reasons for getting involved with a healthcare organization, but the benefits can be mutual because each party can make some gains. Alliances like this should be encouraged because job creation can benefit the healthcare in so many ways. Not only does it provide jobs, but it also goes a long way to saving more lives. The healthcare industry is one of the mostly hotly debated topics in American politics, but even all political sides would agree that allied industries do provide many benefits to the healthcare industry that wouldn’t otherwise be provided. For healthcare organizations, trying to reduce costs is one of the primary goals, and if that can be done by working with allied industries, then this can only be thought of as a good

Conflict Resolution and Stress At High School Essay

Conflict Resolution and Stress At High School - Essay Example The school administrator noticed a significant increase in the number of absenteeism among the special education staff. For this study, several strategies that could help improve the current situation will be outlined and thoroughly discussed. Employee involvement is considered as â€Å"the voluntary employer-led initiatives that are designed to encourage the more active employee to participate in the organizational activities.† (Caldwell, 1993) Basically, increasing employee involvement in the implementation of inclusion policy can minimize and prevent organizational conflicts. As part of the long list of benefits associated with the implementation of employee involvement and participation, Guest, Peccei & Thomas (1993) explained that the main reason for the need to implement employee involvement is to increase the level of employee commitment towards the organizational goals. It simply means that the school administrator could easily and effectively provide each employee with an extra role to perform within the school organization (Langan-Fox et al., 2002). Therefore, the school administrator could efficiently make use of the regular and special education teachers in order to increase the quality of education at Best High School. Promoting an open communication between the regular and special school teachers is one of the best strategies that could minimize stress and conflict at Best High School. Considering that the special education teachers failed to clearly communicate the importance and purpose of IEPs, it is likely that most of the regular education teachers would just ignore the pieces of paper handed to them by the special education teachers.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Write a summary of No Place to Hide (only pg 170-209) by Glenn Essay

Write a summary of No Place to Hide (only pg 170-209) by Glenn Greenwald OR paraphrasing my friends summary (I will give the attachment) - Essay Example reenwald’s view that the government has violated the fourth amendment about â€Å"the right of people to be secure in their person, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3). Greenwald tries to enlighten the people that power is currently being misused so as to fully control them. Through the use of the Internet, the government is relentlessly putting effort aimed at convincing its citizens to devalue their privacy. As stated in the book, the government has taken our â€Å"Internet freedom-the ability to use the network without institutional constraints, social or state control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (6). Furthermore, privacy has been lost through spying our emails, hacking password, looking through online chat, and using the video cameras. According to the author, each and every individual is entitled to his or her own privacy. Unfortunately, the mass surveillance is oblivious of this fact and is ignorant. The government is really cautious to hide their action from the citizen (Greenwald 171). He also explains how people are self-cautious of their every move and are afraid of taking initiatives or acting in a way that deviates from their normal routine. Their quality of life is minimized due to the lack of privacy. In the end, the government is limiting the individuals and preventing them from utilizing their freedoms actively. In fact, the individuals also show the signs to â€Å"avoid shame and condemnation† (173). When people are being monitored, they usually â€Å"avoid action that might be seen as deviant or abnormal† (173). As a result, the citizens forget what it is like to live fully due to restricted actions. This also leads to lack of creativeness and innovations in a country because individuals are afraid of exploration â€Å"[they] can act, think, speak, write, experience, and choose how to be, away from judgmental eyes of others† (172). Greenwald explains that the use of mass technology surveillance by the NSA is not really aimed at

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organisation and Management †Assignment One Essay Example for Free

Organisation and Management – Assignment One Essay For the purpose of this assignment I have chosen transport and logistics company Mainfreight Limited. I will be focusing specifically on the outbound night crew. This team is responsible for loading freight from the Wellington region onto trucks to be sent to branches across New Zealand. Inside this team there is one supervisor who works with the loading team on the floor also loading and is responsible for smooth daily operations. The mid level manager is the Operations Manager who is responsible for the supervisor and implementing organisational plans such as reducing damages to freight. The top manager in this case is the Branch Manager who sets goals for the branch and oversees planning for the future. Q1) An economic reason for a truck loading crew operating at night is that it’s cheaper to travel at night due to faster travel times and less fuel consumption for the trucks on empty roads I think this reason applies most strongly to my organisation because it will increase the profit. A social reason for the organisation is that there is less risk of accidents late at night on empty roads. A personal reason to form this organisation could be a love for trucks. Q2) Figurehead: The most well known figurehead of Mainfreight Wellington is the branch manager, an activity could be a speech at the grand opening, skills he would need include public speaking competency and reliability. Entrepreneur: The entrepreneur of the branch initiates innovative solutions and change to the organisation such as the branch manager diversifying from road transport to including rail or sea transportation. Some skills needed for this role are creativity and brevity. Resource allocator: Within my organisation this role is filled by the operations manager, who distributes resources such as equipment like forklifts and workers if needed to fulfill the crews workload. Some skills needed for this role are time management and planning ability. Disseminator: An activity a manager in this role might perform is gathering information from customers and producing estimates of freight quantities for the truck loaders who could then plan how they layout their loads. Skills need ed are the ability to gather and analyze information. Q3) ‘Soldiering’ by Frederick Taylor is when workers purposely limit output by not working to full capacity in order to avoid causing redundancies and to avoid losing incentive pay by exceeding required performance levels. The impacts of workers ‘soldiering’ on my organisation could mean that if there is a large influx of freight and workers don’t load it all that night, the delay could anger the customer who will then take their business elsewhere. If workers are soldiering performance will not be maximized and low productivity could cause a fall in capital investment and the eventual decline of the business. Q4) ‘Time and motion studies’ streamline task processes by reducing inefficient motions and then once the task process has been adjusted through motion studies the time studies then seeks to reflect a standard length of time in which the refined task process should be completed. Time and Motion studies’ are a technique to increase task efficiency by workers to increase the output with no greater physical effort. An impact of TM studies on my organisation is that incoming freight is placed in bays so loaders do not have to go back and forth to the unloading area.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Issues In Project Management

Issues In Project Management This essay discusses about two major issues in projects and project management. The two major issues this essay going to discuss and analyse are the impacts of risks if they are not managed in a project and the importance of managing stakeholders in a project and project management. The essay also discusses about other issues in project management that were involved in the illustrated case studies. Risk management is one of the crucial requirements in any projects. Projects without risk management are questionable to its success level and the aftermath can be severe if the risks are of high negative impact. Risk is something that may happen unexpectedly in a project which creates positive or negative impacts to the result of the project. The probability of risk cannot be accurately predicted and so there should be a risk management plan in every project to handle the risks which cannot be avoided. The risk management plan involves risk identification, quantifying the risk into impact and probability, planning a response which includes avoiding, transferring, mitigating and accepting the risk and the final step in risk management plan is to monitor and control the plan. (Webb, 2010) This following section of the essay will discuss about what will happen if risks are not managed in a project with case studies. The first case study used is Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. The following section explains the background of the case study followed by the issues that aroused due to poor project management which headed the project to be a complete chaos. Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System: Background: The Denver International Airport (DIA) baggage handling system was to be the worlds largest automated baggage system but it became a case of technology project failure. The DIA is the largest international airport in United States covering a land area of 140km and it is the third largest international airport in the world and it can handle more than 50 million passengers annually. (Calleam Consulting, 2008) The automated baggage system was the critical element of the plan. DIA would have been one of the competitive advantages airports providing more efficient operations by reducing the aircraft turnaround time to 30 minutes using this automated baggage system. The original plan was to make use of the automated baggage handling system all over the airport and it was more complex than what people actually believed. The system was planned to handle 88 airport gates in three concourses, seventeen miles of track and five miles of conveyor belts, 3100 standard carts, fourteen million feet of wiring, hundreds of computers connected in a network to control the flow, 5000 electric motors, 59 laser arrays, 400 radio receivers and 2700 photo cells. (Calleam Consulting, 2008). All these components explain how complex the automated baggage handler system is. The construction work of DIA started in November 1989. United Airlines signed and planned to use Concourse A as a hub and it engaged BEA systems to build the Concourse A automated baggage handler system who was the world leader in operating, installing and supplying baggage handling equipment. The project management team of DIA approached BEA to build the baggage system for all three concourses and for the whole airport to transfer baggage automatically. Issues: Massive problems started in building the baggage system which was very complex as they never thought of such complexity. Even though the airport was complete, it did not open as scheduled in October 1993 because of the problems in baggage system and the completed airport was idle for more than 16 months which also missed the opening dates in April and May, 1994 and the opening was delayed to March 1995. (Neufville) The DIA airport authorities arranged a demonstration of the baggage system for the media without informing BEA. There was complete disaster in the demonstration as the bags were crushed and clothes were thrown out from the bags. This was in April, 1994 and the opening was delayed to May, 1994. BEA systems claimed that the airport staff used the system incorrectly and there was no malfunction in the system. System testing was struggling and airport built a manual trolley system as per the log plans recommendation. The delays increased the cost for owners and airlines and huge amount of money was wasted due to the idle use of the airport. In August, 1994, DIA started fining BEA for further delays and not able to complete the system. The airport was opened on 25th February, 1995 with the automated baggage system implemented in single concourse instead of implementing in all the concourses. All other part of the airport used the manual trolley system since the automated baggage was not functioning as expected. The maintenance cost for the system which was not functioning properly was one million dollar per month and so they scrapped the whole system in August 2005 and implemented the manual system in all over the airport. (Calleam Consulting, 2008) Risks that were involved: There were many possibilities of risks in the above mentioned scenarios and one of the reasons why this project failed is due to ignorance of risk. The complexity of the baggage allowance system was underestimated. The project was initiated too late because of not understanding the risks involved in it and the complexity level of the system. Due to not understanding the complexity level, the project was planned to complete in two years which was insufficient to complete such a complex project and due to this the project team made lot of mistakes to meet the schedule which was impossible. Any automated baggage handler system is subject to risk. The failure cannot be said as a bad luck or due to lack of qualifications since the system was installed by BEA systems one of the best suppliers in baggage system. This complex project should be viewed as a research project and in a research project; success cannot be expected in a short time unless it is managed well. Although the airport project management team and BEA systems know that there is a big risk in completing the project in two years time, they started the project and they failed to identify all the major risks involved in proceeding with the complex project. Several managers of BEA advised the BEA senior management team that this complex project is a four year project and not a two year project. Both airports chief engineer and BEAs senior management team ignored the advice and continued with the project. The BEA management structure completely failed to recognize what kind of risk they were entering into by taking this project and committed to proceed with the project. If they have recognized, they would have at least taken steps to reduce the risks involved in this project and find some scope to achieve the goal of the project within the deadline. Some of the issues were unpredictable and since the airport project management team and BEA does not plan any risk management, the unpredictable issues created many impacts on the project since they does not know how to handle the issues. The project team couldnt manage not only the unpredictable issue, some predictable issue like major technical problem that encountered in the project was not able to be handled by the project team. This was due to lack of developing a proper risk management plan in the project. Importance of managing Stakeholders in a project: The other major mistake done by both airport project management team and BEA was excluding the airlines from the discussions who were the key stakeholders of this project. While making key project decisions, stakeholders should be included to produce a winning strategy. (Calleam Consulting, 2008). If the stakeholders are excluded previously and included finally, they will ask for significant changes in the project which leads to nullify the previous work done in the project. This was proved in this project when airlines asked for many changes like adding maintenance tracks and ski equipment racks; BEA and airport project management was forced to accept the changes since they initially avoided stakeholders from the negotiations although there was a term that no changes would be made. Case study Conclusion: The case study can be concluded from the above illustrations and discussions that the DIA baggage handling system project failed due to not understanding the complexity of the project, no risk management plan, poor stakeholder management, lack of communication, poor design and planning of the system and finally lack of management insight in the project which led Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System project to be an example for technology project failure. The next section of the essay will discuss about another case study related to risk management. The Second case study used is Heathrow Terminal 5 Chaos. The following sections explains the background of the case study followed by the issues that aroused due to poor risk management which headed the project to be a complete chaos. Heathrow Terminal 5 Chaos: Background: Public enquiry of Heathrow Airport fifth terminal building proposal started in May 1995 and ended in March 1999 with the longest public inquiry in British planning history costing eight million pounds in legal fees. The terminal was expected to complete by 30th, March 2008 after the approval from UK government. Three twenty million pounds were allocated for planning risks. The terminal includes everything from facilities to handle jumbo aircrafts, car parks, service tunnels, a complete transport interchange, a hotel, shops, catering, highest customer service and it can handle thirty million passengers a year. The Terminal 5 was constructed especially to concentrate by British Airways (BA) flights. (Hancock, 2009) Issues: The opening of Terminal 5 after fifteen years of planning and construction with spending 4.3 billion pounds should have been a great moment for British Airport Authority (BAA) and British Airways (BA) but it head to be one of the biggest chaos. The problem started when the terminal staffs couldnt reach there in time due to difficulty in parking their cars, the staff security screening and familiarisation was delayed too, which led to accumulation of baggage. Another major reason was the collapse of state-of-art baggage handling system due to technical problems which was designed to handle 12,000 baggage per hour. (BBC News, 2008) As a result, more than 23,000 bags were lost and 500 flights were cancelled. BA lost 16 million pounds in the first five days of operations. (Thomson, 2008). BA blamed that the staffs provided were not familiar with the new systems and only few staffs were provided to handle the baggage system. BAA said that the baggage got clogged due to few numbers of staffs from BA and not due to the baggage handler system. Later BAA spokeswoman agreed that there was some software problem in the baggage handler system and it is completely BAAs responsibility. (Hancock, 2009) BA claimed that it was preparing for the past three years to switch to Terminal 5 and thousands of staffs have been trained to handle the new system and they got delayed to their workstations due to the difficulty in parking their cars. (The Times, 2008). The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) wrote a letter to the government ministers and shareholders blaming all BA executives for the Heathrow Terminal 5 chaos including the chief executive. (Milmo, 2008) Risks that were involved: Risk turns to be an issue if it happens. If risks are not managed even after knowing the probability and impact of the risk is high, then there will be a chaos like in this case study. The chaos in Terminal 5 was due to poor management not only for few days but from the initial stage of the project especially lacking risk management. The project would have been a big success if there was risk management for this kind of mega project. There were already defects in the baggage handler system during the trail process before opening Terminal 5 and it was reported to BA. The simulations used a less amount of baggage, less passengers and handlers to test the system. BA management ignored the concerns. They didnt test the system properly and they ignored to manage the risk. They blamed each other instead of solving the problems. BAs chief executive admitted that they compromised testing due to the delays in building the terminal. The baggage handler staff spent much time in searching for the parking place due to wrong sign boards and directions. The staffs were not trained and not familiar to handle the baggage handler system which was another risk. BAs chief executive admitted that they didnt train staffs and didnt familiarize them. (Massey, 2008). Case study Conclusion: Although the Heathrow Terminal 5 project was completed on time and on budget, it is one of the major catastrophic disaster projects. If the systems were tested properly, staffs were trained and familiarisied and if risks have been managed properly, the Terminal 5 project would have been the most successful project. The case study can be concluded from the above illustrations and discussions that the risk management is one of the crucial requirements in project management and ignoring to manage them will lead to failure or disaster of projects like Heathrow Terminal 5 chaos. Case Study: Online shopping system: This is one of the case studies that I personally experienced while learning the module IT Project Management. This case study project was to develop a online shopping software system for the client Metro Super stores and the project was carried out with 8 project teams members including the project manager. We covered most of the issues in project management in the lecture and seminar sessions. This can be illustrated with one example about managing risk in this project. We were asked to come with the risk log for this case study and we discussed about all possibilities of risks that will affect this online shopping software development system. We created the risk log and quantified the risks using its impact on the project and probability of happening. It was a personal experience that taught me the real importance of risk management in project management. (Classroom experience, 2010) Conclusion In all the above produced case studies, the essay discussed and analysed the major issues related to project management involved within the case studies with illustrations of the issues and discussed with examples. From the case studies and illustrations, it is concluded that project management issues are vital to any kind of projects especially for mega projects like Heathrow Terminal 5 and Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System and the project would not succeed unless it is managed well. [Word Count: 2451] Bibliography BBC News. (2008, March 28). Other airports rocky starts . BBC News. (2008, March 30). What did go wrong at Terminal 5? . Calleam Consulting. (2008). Denver Airport Baggage Handling System Case Study Calleam Consulting. Retrieved December 17, 2010, from Computerworld UK reporters. (08, March 27). Heathrow Terminal 5 chaos: RoundUp. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from Dunn, P. (2008). Courting Disaster. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from Experience, C. R. (2010). IT Project Management. Sheffield Hallam University. Hancock, D. (2009, May 8). Heathrow Terminal 5 Success or Failure? Retrieved 12 17, 2010, from Massey, R. (2008, May 08). BA chief Willie Walsh brands Heathrows Terminal 5 a national embarrassment. Milmo, D. (2008, April 8). Pilots slam BA management over Terminal 5 chaos. p. 1. Neufville, R. d. (n.d.). THE BAGGAGE SYSTEM AT DENVER:PROSPECTS AND LESSONS. Retrieved December 18, 2010, from The Times. (2008, March 28). Terminal 5 launch disaster brings holiday chaos. Thomson, R. (2008, April 02). IT experts tackle baggage system problems at Heathrows Terminal 5. Retrieved December 18, 2010, from Webb, L. (2010). Lecture Slides. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from Williams, C. (2010). Project Management: Risk Management. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from Sheffield Hallam University Faculty of Arts, Computing, Engineering and Sciences IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT Individual Reflection 20/12/2010 Prasnnaa Kumar Nachimuthu B0045907 MSc Database Professional Introduction The purpose of this essay is to write about the individual reflection of my personal experience in the module IT Project Management held during Sep 2010 Dec 2010. This essay produces my learning experience and my experience of working in a team during this module which helps to reflect upon my learning experience in the module. This module has taught me many things about project management from how to manage a project as a project manager, how to be a good team player and work in team, and most of the topics in project management. This is one of the module I really enjoyed working with my tutors and all my colleagues. The tutors were really interactive with me and everyone in the class and all of the lectures and seminars were very interactive rather than a boring session. The interest of me in this module can be proved with my presence in all the lecture and seminar session without missing a single lecture or tutorial session from the beginning to end of this module. The beginning week of the lecture explained me about this module, project and its definition. The later seminar session involved practical teaching of knowing more about project and I was put into a group. Every week, I learnt a new topic about project management and understood how to act to issues in real time environment. For example, in one of my lecture session, I was given a case study about the problems involved in the biggest building in Sheffield. We understood the case study and I was asked to be in a group to work as a developer of the building and come out with possible solutions to answer the problems of the buyers of the building which consist of my colleagues in another group. While working in the group like a developer, I was thinking as I am the real developer and was trying to come out with possible solutions with my other colleagues in the group. Then I, with my colleagues as developers met the buyers group and answered the possible solutions thinking them as the real buyers. After the session, I was completely satisfied that I have learnt something today. This is one of the examples, and every week, due to working in a group, helped me to handle the issues and answer the project board as a project manager and also ask questions to project manager as a project board member. I had the opportunity to produce the first assignment as a group work. I was the project manager in the group and had to assign the task in which I found it easy because we had breakdown the tasks, worked on it individually, discussed and produced the final document prior to the deadline. Conclusion I conclude from the above produced illustrations of my personal experience that I am completely satisfied the way the module was taught to me and I enjoyed working with my colleagues in a team. I personally thank my tutors for teaching me the project management skills in an interesting, interacting and practical way and I would definitely recommend this module to my colleagues. [Word Count: 529]

Theories Of Drunvalo Melchizadek And Jungian Biology Essay

Theories Of Drunvalo Melchizadek And Jungian Biology Essay In genetics, it is understood that humans have 44 chromosomes (22 pairs), plus 2 sex chromosomes that determine gender. That is scientific fact. Heres where it gets tricky. Suppose one has more or less than 44? Indeed, it can happen; some genetic disorders are caused by this. But what affect could it have not simply on the human body, but on the human consciousness? From the metaphysicist himself, Drunvalo Melchizadek: There are three totally different kinds of humans on the Earth, meaning that they perceive the One reality in three different ways, interpreted differently. The first kind of human has a chromosome composition of 42+2. They comprise a unity consciousness that does not see anything outside themselves as being separate from themselves. To them, there is only one energy one life, one beingness that moves everywhere. Anything happening anywhere is within them, as well. They are like cells in the body. They are all connected to a single consciousness that moves through all of them. These are the aboriginals in Australia. There might be a few African tribes left like this. Then, there is our level, comprising 44+2 chromosomes. We are a disharmonic level of consciousness that is used as a steppingstone from the 42+2 level to the next level, 46+2. We are dangerous to both ourselves and nature, but we are necessaryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦These two additional chromosomes change everything (Melchizedek ). In short, those lacking a pair of chromosomes (compared to normal humans) perceive all reality and being as one. This falls into line quite well with the spiritual beliefs of the Aborigines in particular (however, it must be pointed out that no group of people today currently possess the requisite 42 chromosomes). In metaphor, reality is one giant landmass with no divisions, no individuals. Those with the 44 chromosomes (in short, us), are unstable. Our level of evolution is simply a building block to 46. We have individual lives, but now fail to ever come together. In essence, each reality is a completely isolated island from one another. Building from this, it could be reasoned that our pain, suffering, ignorance, apathy and general bad qualities stem from our chromosomal imbalance. Therefore, the only way to truly rid ourselves of these is by moving on. Finally, to 46; the next step in human evolution. According to Melchizadeks theories, it is at this point that we come together as individual to make one, each separate, but unified. In his words again: The main change will be a shift to the unity consciousness. Every cell in your body has its own consciousness and memory. You, the higher being that occupies your body, make the millions of different consciousnesses in your body work together as one being. How does this relate to this [new evolution]? Think of yourself as a cell and the grid as the higher being. We will still have individual consciousness, but will be united in the form of a higher being in order to work as one entity (Melchizedek). In the perspective of the Christian religion, it could be viewed as a step towards becoming more God or Christ like; individual pieces making up a whole, not far from the Body of Christ belief. As all-in-one, we would achieve universal understanding. There would be no pain, no suffering, nor ignorance or apathy. To draw another parallel, it would be quite similar to the Kingdom of God or Heaven. Being said, how do we move from 44 to 46? In more general terms, perhaps it is simpler to ask how we can move from where we are as imperfect humans to something beyond, something greater, the next step. Heres where the lyrics of Forty-Six 2 and elements of Jungian psychology come into play. At the heart of Maynards Forty-Six 2 lies the concept of Change is coming through my shadow. In Jungian psychology, the mind is broken down into many parts, including the anima/animus, the ego and the shadow. In males, the anima is a group of feminine traits suppressed deep into the subconscious. Similarly, the animus is the group of masculine traits suppressed in the subconscious of females. Though not consciously present, the anima and animus affect our behavior in powerful ways. Commonly, we seek out or project those traits out onto other of the opposite sex. This accounts for the feeling of falling in love at first sight. Though we may hardly know the person, our subconscious knows what they represent. As the opposite of the conscious self, the anima/animus can act as a guide to our own subconscious. They are often expressed as the guiding female (if youre male) or male (if youre female) figures in our dreams. In short, our unconscious egos (the anima/animus), are traits we desire in the opposite sex we ourselves suppress. Conversely, the ego is our conscious mind, our sense of personal self. This sense of personal identity is purchased, however, at the expense of certain tendencies that are rejected as not-self. These rejected traits come together as a kind of unconscious counter-ego, termed the shadow. Unexplainable feelings of annoyance, anxiousness or even anger can be a result of being in contact with someone who possesses elements of our repressed selves. In dreams, out shadow may take a physical form, often as an adversary of the same gender. Of all the elements that make up our psyche, the shadow has the potential to be both the most dangerous and the most critical to our personal developments. It represents everything we most fear and despise, but also represents everything we must master to move forward. Maynards suggestion for moving from our level to the next is by embracing the shadow. By taking in the previously rejected aspects of ourselves (the not-self) and learning to live with them (it), we take a great leap towards making ourselves whole again. Do what it takes to move through, to lie, cry, die, and kill but also to move, grow and to learn are fundamental. Deep concepts and New Age theories are nothing new for Maynard and Tool. With track titles like Stinkfist, Pushit, Third Eye, Schism and Parabola, Tool has never been, nor tried to be, a band easily understood from the surface. Their song lyrics, stage shows and even album artwork all reflect this. The cover to the album Aenima, from which the song Forty-Six 2 is taken, even follows some of the themes from the aforementioned song. At first glance all one notices is the burst of white light at the center. Closer inspection reveals a series of out of focus eyes ringing the light. In typical Tool fashion, theyve said exactly what theyve wanted to say without seeming to have said anything coherent at all. Think outside the box (literally). Sure, we can all see or understand out personal shadows to some degree (hence the shadowy, out of focus eyes). What lays beyond them, though, no one truly understands. Its a revelation so blindingly bright theres no seeing through it, nor any turning back. Those willing to think for themselves (a motto of soft for the band), will see the album cover, open the CD and learn things they may never had known before. With luck, theyll never be quite the same for it. Our shadows are elementary, almost primal. Only by looking within, to listen to my muscle memory and reflect on what makes us us can we find our way through to the other side. By picking scabs and metaphorically uncovering old wounds we can confront what we previously rejected and avoided. We can step into the shadow and find new understanding on the other side. Works Cited or Consulted Keenan, Maynard James. Forty-Six 2. Aenima. Rec. Sept. 1995. Volcano, 1996. Melchizedek, Drunvalo. Leading Edge Interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek. Interview with Val Valerian. Leading Edge Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Ed. Joshua Shapiro. Dec. 1995. VJ Enterprises. 13 Sept. 2008 . Tool. Album Booklet. Aenima. Rec. Sept. 1995. Volcano, 1996. Appendix A Forty-Six 2 Written by Maynard James Keenan of Tool My shadows shedding skin and Ive been picking Scabs again. Im down Digging through My old muscles Looking for a clue. Ive been crawling on my belly Clearing out what couldve been. Ive been wallowing in my own confused And insecure delusions For a piece to cross me over Or a word to guide me in. I wanna feel the changes coming down. I wanna know what Ive been hiding in My shadow. Change is coming through my shadow. My shadows shedding skin Ive been picking My scabs again. Ive been crawling on my belly Clearing out what couldve been. Ive been wallowing in my own chaotic And insecure delusions. I wanna feel the change consume me, Feel the outside turning in. I wanna feel the metamorphosis and Cleansing Ive endured within My shadow Change is coming. Now is my time. Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what Ive been clinging to. Forty-six and two ahead of me. I choose to live and to Grow, take and give and to Move, learn and love and to Cry, kill and die and to Be paranoid and to Lie, hate and fear and to Do what it takes to move through. I choose to live and to Lie, kill and give and to Die, learn and love and to Do what it takes to step through. See my shadow changing, Stretching up and over me. Soften this old armor. Hoping I can clear the way By stepping through my shadow, Coming out the other side. Step into the shadow. Forty six and two are just ahead of me. Appendix B Aenima album cover

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jack the Ripper Essay -- Serial Killer Essays

Jack the Ripper was one of the most famous and renowned killers in history. Even though he was not the first serial killer, he was the first killer to strike on a metropolis setting. Jack the Ripper was in his prime at a time when the media had a strong control over society and society as a whole was becoming much more literate. Jack started his killing campaign at a time of political controversy between the liberals and social reformers along with the Irish Home rule partisans. The reports of Jack the Ripper were collected and reported by the police, but then the different newspapers with their political influences slightly distorted the stories to give them their own effect. It has been more the one hundred years since the last murder and there is no longer any more original evidence, and the â€Å"facts† about the stories have changed over time due to different writers or differing sources. The press changed Jack the Ripper from being a depressed killer of prostitutes to on e of the most romantic figures seen throughout history. One fact that most sources agreed upon was that the Ripper was a killer who wanted nothing more than to strike fear into the entire city by horribly mutilating his victims and then leaving them in locations where they were sure to be seen. Jack was the type of killer that wants fame and loved the fact that his â€Å"name† was on everyone’s lips and was able to strike fear into anyone and everyone’s heart. In the late 1800’s â€Å"Jack the Ripper† began his rampage of killings. He was a serial killer who murdered several prostitutes in the East End of London in 1888. The people of London, mainly the press at the time, dubbed this killer, â€Å"Jack the Ripper.† The name was given to the killer because at the time of the murders, a person wrote a letter to the police and press claiming to be this serial killer, and he had called himself, â€Å"Jack the Ripper.† These killings took place in the districts of Aldagate, City of London proper, Spitalfields, and Whitechapel which all happen to be within a mile radius of each other. Within these different districts, he was given different names depending on the stories that were told about the killings some of these other names that the serial killer â€Å"Jack the Ripper† was given were Whitechapel Murderer, which was an extremely creative and original name, and â€Å"Leather Apron,† which is presumed to reference the... â€Å"search parties† one can find on the internet is board-line obsessive and insane. What people need to learn to accept is that their questions and puzzles they stubble upon in life will not always be answered. They need to realize that this was some lonely, crazed man that enjoyed killing defenseless individuals, but even so he was bright enough to get away with the crimes. It is a very sick and sadistic cycle of being deranged enough to plan out a murder so that no one will be able to catch that person, but at the same time being smart enough to be able to do all this. So basically, â€Å"Jack the Ripper† was a crazy, smart guy that enjoyed killing young and attractive women. Works Cited Barbee, Larry S. â€Å"Casebook: Jack the Ripper.† Ryder, Stephen P. and Thomas Schachner.  ©1996-2014. Cornwell, Patricia. â€Å"Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper—Case Closed.† Berkley Publishing Group. October 28, 2003. Montaldo, Charles. â€Å"Crime/ Punishment: Jack the Ripper.† A PRIMEDIA Company.  ©2014. Sugden, Philip. â€Å"The Complete History of Jack the Ripper.† Carroll and Graf. January 9, 2002.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers

Absence of Beauty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgar Allan Poe sees evil as a living threat to man because he lives in its presence. Parallel with the tragedies in his own life relating to the deaths of his young mother, wife and others he loved in his life. It is no wonder that he sees the absence of beauty as evil, because he felt the terror and tragedy of the loss of his own life. In his stories he illustrates how the absence of beauty is the essence of evil. In “The Tell Tale Heart'; when the old man’s eyes is closed he would not be killed because his eye is not considered ugly. That is why each night the man goes into his room to see if the eye is open. “… but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.';(139) The eye when open represents the ugliness of the old man. When that ugliness is present, beauty is gone and evil is present. The ugliness of the old man’s open eye is the cause for his killer to kill him because evil is present and beauty is no where to be found.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “The Fall of the House of Usher'; Madeline is beautiful once she gets sick her brother, Roderick, gets sick and everything seems to fall apart. Madeline’s beauty had kept the evil down and covered up. As Madeline gets sicker and sicker it gets worse and worse. Finally when Madeline dies beauty no longer exists Roderick goes crazy and everything is destroyed because beauty was not there to cover up all the evil that they possessed. The absence of beauty caused all evil to break loose. The house collapses and Roderick is destroyed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “The Black Cat'; the cat to him was beautiful and precious. “This latter was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing degree.';(12) Beauty is what one person sees through his own eyes. “The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness.';(18) Once he saw that the cat was no longer beautiful it causes him to murder his wife because all his evil was hidden and once that beauty that he saw died and became none existing everything he was hiding especially his evil side came out caused him to kill.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mcmaster Children’s Hospital Essay

â€Å"Mcmaster Children’s Hospital is a caring for our future, one child at a time. † It was distinguished as one of the hospitals who provided the best care for patients and is also awarded with Profiling Excellence in Family-Centered Care in 2008. Aside from receiving various awards and recognition for the quality of their services it is also one of the largest pediatric hospital in Canada and ranked second busiest in Ontario. It also has 40 pediatric clinics with diverse specialization which can treat illness of almost any kind. It is like a one stop shop wherein all that you need in child care treatment, child care specialists and medicines are all there. In addition, it has also specialization on child care disorder. Because of its size and specialization a number of clients and patients can be accommodated immediately once they approach the lobby area. Superior care can be given to children because of it advocates the â€Å"inherent worth of youth and children†. Another characteristic of Mcmaster that set it aside from other hospitals is that it does not surpassed the opinion of patients (the youth and the children) as well as their families in deciding for their welfare. Before deciding for a certain treatment and the like they consult first the concern people. As it is best for children it is also recommended for babies because of its newly installed intensive care units for neonatal. It best fits pregnant women for the superior caring of their unborn children because it can give thorough care to the pregnant women beginning from pre-natal stage to post-natal stage. As it advocates innovation, one may experience an extraordinary hospital treatment because of its innovative facilities. As it advocates quality service, a patients, clients, or visitors are surely to experience a comfortable stay in the hospital. The nurses and medical practitioners are all very accommodating and are very helpful in any way possible. For the families, the Mcmaster hospital is an absolute safe alternative haven for your children and relatives who happened to visit or to be confined in the hospital. All of the staff has proper identification and name tags, likewise, the patients, have identification bands. In case that someone needs assistance whether in rooms or bathrooms, call bells are available to inform nurses. As for the hospital’s organization, the structure is formal with moderate degree of bureaucracy. The decision making process is participative, with the patients, clients and residents as partner in decision making. Although, the Mcmaster organization is generally stable and the functions can be considered as highly effective and efficient there are also some improvement that can be done to the organization for superior achievement of goals and better-quality satisfaction of customers. First, the Mcmaster organization may opt to post more and detailed information on their websites regarding their facilities and services. The customers can generate more information and knowledge about their services if this can be done. Another change that can be implemented is the adaptation of modern medical record technology. Several years ago, technology adaptation in medical recording has hailed a tremendous welcome from medical practitioners and health care providers. The goal of this is to ensure a secure exchange of health matter information through out the national system. The basic assumption of the electronic medical record directive is to secure accessibility to patients’ health information, whenever and wherever needed. Improving the quality of service requires a change in the system that will also bring forth efficiency which is the very heart of the so called EMR. The modern way of recording can be more protective for patients’ information. It will serve as a tool in promoting a more secure environment. Even the staff is assigned to l00 patients; he/she will be able to enjoy a hassle free recording because of the automatic commands in computer that will speed up the process unlike the manual recording. The EMR will help decrease errors in medical recording. The medical attendants to patients’ time will be also increase because there is no longer need for checking on the time consuming paper records and correcting on the misreported patients information and diagnoses.

A Review About HR Department Architecture Essay

At its petroleum,endowment counselor( TM ) is a affair of conducting the demand for tender-hearted and so puting by programs to run into it1 ( Cappelli, P. 2008 ) . In this short essay, I leave be composing a response to the supra mesmerism. Although the construct of TM late instigated in the flow rate economic conditions, it is instead observable that in to the highest peak formations where HR theatrical role fails to follow the rules and patterns of TM, it comes up short in footings of corporate everyday origination when comp ard to a comp some(prenominal) that patterns TM( this impression is clearly venture up in fig 1 with cite to appendix 2.0 ).NHS for illustration is presently at its early phase to implant TM. It has fit(p) implicationance upon constructing an grasp upon planetary scoop out pattern and orienting it for strong application. The explore conducted by hired institute of sop ups and ripening ( CIPD ) claimed that although, It is recognised tha t trance constructing a sturdy and systematic methodological analysis is slender in deriving ownership from stakeholders, the extant benefits leave behind hardly come d integrity effecting cultural alteration evidenced in the acceptance of a endowment outlook ( CIPD, 2006 ) .Refer to appendix 1 for full turn tail study.There atomic number 18 a field of subcontracts company faces with nominate force education. This intromit deficit of endowment, cleavage of work force, elbow room of hazard and uncertainness and so onward With an effectual TM system, company tin baseb altogether swing protrude these jobs. As antecedently stated, the close common response to TM is to expect no demands at all do no programs for turn toing them rendering the end pointendowment counselingmeaningless. The second approximately common exist amongst extensive companies. They rely onstructure-centric outpouring with complex and bureaucratic supposititious banknotes which in the c urrent epoch of vaporizable environment had failed due to inaccuracy and high m unrivalednes oney value. The overbold attack to TM takes into history the capital uncertainness faced by resuscitate in current Labour food market place ( Cappelli, P. 2008 ) .As much(prenominal), my response depart germinate around the outmatch practices/ rawistic attack available to any court to reach excellence in its endowment committal attack i.e. a suggested solutions to the HR crisis with prize to pull offing its work force.First, I am traveling to touch on in that respectcruitment/ disclosementfacet of TM2. Recruiting was foc utilize by assorted communication channels such(prenominal) as class adverts, college arrangement offices, internal occupation ship systems etcetera all of which created a job of penchant and geographical restriction. However, due to technical promotion, companies ca-ca been able to reach wider consultation of endowments that meet its demands. An i llustration is ( the taking provider of online avocations and recruitment resources committed to linking dispositions with persons ) .3Puting but yet, it is to a greater extent(prenominal) cost effectual to develop and hold in direction endowment than enrolling from outdoor(a) markets. research at Ernst and immature estimated the mean cost of replacing at $ 1 million ( Atkins R. et Al. 2004 ) . As a consequence, companies should endeavor to develop and retain staffs instead than external recruits. Although most companies preponderantly smaller one age would reason that provided an employee had been trained, what is to maintain such employee from ravel to other companies with develop offers? Well my solvent to this would be there is no roadblock forestalling employees from taking trades that will advertize their traffic waies. In fact surveies by the confer at heartg tolerate Watson Wyatt reported that, mint who atomic number 18 late trained quit from t he administration to do much efficacious usage of those accomplishments ( Cappelli, P. 2008 ) .However, Peter Cappelli in his new manner of believing about TM divinatory narration tackles the hazard intricate in create employees to a drift of satisfaction. He actual what he calls a advise kin stem to yet-in-time constructi.e. a endowment-on-demand model. Within this model ar four rules. Thebrand or purchase ruleclearly apothegm that, an optimum attack would be to apply a combination of internal and external recruits. The challenge would be calculating out precisely how much of each to utilize. P. Cappelli recommended that administrations should stringently remain off from utilizing long confines prognosis as the volatile market renders it inaccurate. Rather, it should concentrate on short frontier demand for talent4.The 2nd rule claims that houses necessitate toadapt to uncertainness in talent pick up one manner is to interrupt up instruction plans into shorter units instead than post direction trainees through a 3 class functional plan.The third rule is to discover thereturn investing in developing employees one manner is to necessitate employees to portion in cost of development through involuntary hours i.e. hours spent on preparation will non incr still employees payout. Employers have besides been more inclined with ways to cut exhaust development cost by maintaining employees longer5 ( P. Cappelli, 2008 ) . The concluding rule requires houses tocontinue the investing by equilibrating employee-employer meshs.Possibly, the boss ground talented employees leave an administration is due to detecting better chances elsewhere. As such, the key to continue your investing in development is by equilibrating both parties involvement allowing employees to portion in advancement end is a good illustration as employees want chances for promotion and control over their c arer6 ( Peter Cappelli, 2008 ) . Other theoretical method of acco untings such as L.A. Berger s 3 principal TM procedures are besides unfeignedly good for an administration to adopt7.A drumhead figure of speech of this faculty atomic number 50 be set in appendix 2.2 followed by polish note explicating what it represents.I will immediately see the issue of discernment and public initiation directionand its impact on TM.Endowment Reservoircan besides be used unalterably with TM as its aim is to construct a kitten of high talented people open of back uping administrations current and future business sector demands ( Berger, L.A 20045 ) . Inside this reservoir are assorted talent estimation tools one of which is public presentation assessment ( PA ) . PA exist to let appraisal for preparation demands, reappraisal past public presentations, set public presentation aims etc. The purpose of PA is to bring forth different example of assessment that will let item-by-item to see themselves as making the occupation better. There are assorted t ypes of PA tools, two of which are 360 grade feedback and forced rank.The latter will be touched upon inappendix 3. 360grade feedbackallows for what has been losing in modern twenty-four hours assessment the sentiment of co-workers and equals etc. 360 degree feedback allows for multiple angle of perceptual experience i.e. everybody working with a extraordinary person in a house are required to give feedback on such single normally through a study. This theoretical account was developed farther into a 540 grade feedback by leting external bureaus into the image. PwC went excess lengths by developing its ain 720 grade theoretical account which involved household and friends in the assessment procedure as it believed single externals enterprises outdoor(a) the companies knowledge can be best justified by household and friends. Although it is of import to follow a theoretical account of measuring endowments in a company, it is more of import to observe the cardinal characteristic s of a good assessment which are relevancy ( should speak about your occupation ) , in the altogether ( can distinguish different type of behavior ) , operable ( able to set into usage ) , dependability ( can be used to mensurate public presentation at given period ) etc. Both forced ranking and 360 degree feedback are non perfect theoretical accounts to use. They have been capable to critics in the yesteryear.Refer to appendix 3.Last, I will discourse recompense in relation to TM. At the perpetrator of wages in an administration, wage construction should be designed to suit particular(prenominal) intents, it should be internally consistent, integrated with other HR procedures, governable and manageable, accepted as just and just and eventually it should be flexible. Benefits are an intrinsic portion of the value proposition that administrations offer new and bing employees. Research make by The Economist Showed wages and employee benefits serene rank highly extremely in plan ing a new value proposition for tomorrow s work force ( 56 % & A gt , second merely to supplying a better work-life equaliser through offering flexible working agreements in footings of hours and topographic point of work ( 62 % ) . Structuring a flexible benefits syllabus so staff can train the inducements that suit their life style is a cardinal arm in the armory of talent direction and the property of star employees. The ability to blend and fit benefits, from pension s and child care, to vacation allowances and gym ranks, plays a cardinal function in pulling endowment. ( Williams, D. 2008 ) .As mentioned in the development subdivision, it is of import for an administration to honor its invest employees with actual and perpendicular motion within the house to let for keeping ( S. Rousseau, 2008 ) . Rivals in similar industries will be smell to get the best intellectual persons from one another particularly in this current clime of planetary recession. Companies requir e dexterous person to assist them stir farther off from insolvency. As such, retaining such single should be precedence in any company.To reason, talent direction is non merely becoming to hold, it is critical to every administration. Talent direction is required to pull off keeping ratio. Effective TM will let for decreased enlisting cost on external endowments. The above prostration suggests how administration should work across the full spectrum of Talent solicitude. Traveling back to the inquiry, it is of import that talent direction should non be seen as merely an HR enterprise. HR function is to ease the direction of endowment and to move as managers and advisers to line directors. HR executive directors and directors must work together to associate concern organization with the endowment needed to put to remainder it ( Atkins, R. et Al. 2004 ) .BibliographyAtkins, McCutcheon, Penna. ( 2004 ) The Talent Management Imperative A Best Practice Approach , getable at ww Accessed 08 border district 2009 .Berger, L.A. ( 2004 ) The endowment direction enchiridion making organisational excellence by placing, developing, and advancing your best people, London, McGraw-Hill.Cappelli, P. ( 2008 ) Talent Management for the Twenty-first Century , Harvard Business Review, 863, 74-81.CIPD, ( 2006 ) Reflections on Talent Management , operational at hypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 02 March 2009 .Edwards, E. ( 2008 ) Why Are We Losing All Our Good People , Harvard Business Review, 866, 41-51.Frank, Fredric, Taylor, Craig. ( 2004 ) Talent Management Trends That Will habitus the Future , Human Resource Planning, 271, 33-41.Rousseau, S. ( 2008 ) Human Capital Management , ready(prenominal) at hypertext transfer protocol // id=546970 Accessed 05 March 2009 .Williams, D. ( 2008 ) Flexible benefit can assist talent direction , accessible at hypertext transfer protocol // id=7497 Accessed 08 March 2009 .AppendixForced Rankingis a technique that requires that all the employees in a peculiar group are rated against each other and so ranked in order and so placed into 3 or 4 groups derived from a preset distribution map. The most common are the A, B, C participants e.g. A=20 % of work force, B=70 % , C=10 % . From a TM nomenclature we can mention to this as super-keepers 5 % , Keepers 15 % , solid citizens 70 % , and Poor performing artists 10 % . financial statement in favor of forced ranking implies it free up administration by allowing off hapless performing artists which alter distinction in the administration e.g. if at top degree, an person is executing the worst, there could be better persons lower down the hierarchy to make full in and execute better. The bottom side nevertheless is, forced ranking is no n legal as it fails to administrate one to one drive and records. It can be nevertheless used to do superior determinations particularly in athleticss.1. In its broadest sense, talent direction can be used to depict the designation, development, particular date/reflection, deployment of endowment within a specific organizational context ( CIPD, 2006 ) .2. Research from DDI make up that merely 1/3 of executives believed that their administration s leading capablenesss look promising, while 82 % of companies reported holding a difficult clip happening qualified leader campaigners ( Atkins, R. et Al. 2004 ) .3., with 36percent of the worldwide web calling market, is the largest by far of the overplus of on-line calling web sites. In the 3rd one-fourth of 2003. Monster had 16.7million alone visitants who stayed an norm of 15.6 proceedingss. By September 2003 ( Fredrick, D. et al. 2004 ) .4. Leading corporations such as capital One and Dow chemical s have abandoned lo ng run endowment prognosiss and moved toward short term simulation ( Cappelli, P. 2008 ) .5. About 20 % of U.S. employers need employees who are about to subscribe a contract stipulating that if they leave the concern originally certain clip, they have to pay back the cost ( Cappelli, P. 2008 ) .6. A fictional precedent affecting a company called Sambian Partners and its gifted employee tom Forsythe ( who has been shortlisted for top public presentations by the executives ) saw Tom resigned for a better place with the arch challenger of the house. several(prenominal) issue interviews were carried out in an case to retain Tom but attempts were ineffectual. Tom left go forthing the direction to yap away over on what went incorrect. One of the staff made a remark stating I merely think he looked above him and realized he was traveling nowhere fast. No 1 on the executive squad is even close to retiring, and the org chart is top-heavy as it is. Where s the calling way? ( E. Edwa rds, et Al. 2008 ) . Possibly if Sambian Partners had considered the P. Cappelli theoretical account or other similar theoretical accounts, things could hold been different.